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Refund and return policy


If the item you received arrived damaged, doesn’t match the listing description, or if it’s the wrong item, SPARPART.COM staff will their best to refund you if the seller’s returns policy says they accept returns.

If you no longer want an item, you’ll be able to see in the listing if the seller offers returns, how long you have to request a return, and any other conditions. 

Once you start a return, SPARPART.COM opens the case and contacts the seller to resolve your issue. 

Send the item back

When the seller accepts your return, you’ll receive an email with the subject “Send the item back”. You’ll need to send it back within a period requested by the seller. Adding tracking details to your return helps protect against delays or issues in the refund process. Who covers the postage costs depends on why you’re returning it. 

When you’re sending the item back, repack it carefully.

If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return postage because it wasn’t packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item’s value. 

Get your refund

Once the seller receives the item back from you, or once they’ve agreed to refund you and let you keep the item, they have 5 business days to issue your refund. When they do, you’ll receive an email letting you know.

Get help from Sparpart.com

Most of the time, if you have an issue with a purchase, the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, if after 5 business days the seller hasn’t been able to resolve your problem, you can ask us to step in and help.

Cancelling a request

If you’ve changed your mind about a case you’ve opened, and no longer want to return your item, it’s easy to cancel your request by sending email to Sparpart.com.



